Dupixent is a prescription medicine given to patients suffering from atopic dermatitis, asthma, nasal polyposis, or chronic rhinosinusitis. Dupixent blocks two of the essential proteins that are responsible for inflammation. In many cases, Dupixent is also prescribed to patients suffering from eczema that can’t be controlled using skin care medicine. One good thing about Dupixent is that it is safe to use in anyone over the age of 6 years.
If the children over 12 years are suffering from eosinophilic esophagitis, then Dupixent can also be used for the treatment. You can consult your physician or the treating doctor to learn about Dupixent.
Dupixent & Cost
The cost of Dupixent is on the higher side, and the drug’s list price is close to $3400. In addition, you would need two dosages of the Dupixent every month. The list price may vary depending on where you buy Dupixent, but it is still on the higher side. For some of us, it is beyond affordability. To support the cost, there are many copay assistance programs available. One such option available is Dupixent MyWay Copay Card. Find out more information about it in the next section.
Dupixent Copay Assistance
Dupixent copay assistance is available for commercially insured patients; for such patients, the cost of the drug might come down to $0. All the patients can apply for the Dupixent copay assistance, and the approved patients will get their saving cards by email. The maximum annual coverage of the Dupixent copay assistance is capped at $13,000 per year. You can also get Dupixent copay benefits if you are under a federal or state employee plan.
More Information
If you need more information about Dupixent copay assistance, you can call 1 844 387 4936 and select Option 1 on the IVR. This helpline is available every weekday from 8:00 AM ET to 9:00 AM ET.